“After years of work & peeling back all of the layers, I finally found what works for me. I finally feel healthy from the inside out; I decided that I wanted to help other women to feel their best too. ”


I’m a native Nashvillian, dog mom, fitness enthusiast and lover of the outdoors. I’m an ACE Certified Health Coach & Personal Trainer. I’m also a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. My passion in the field of health and wellness has been important to me for quite some time. I really understood the value of movement after I experienced a near fatal car accident at age 19 which resulted in a stroke, traumatic brain injury, & many broken bones. I was confined to a hospital bed for quite some time & it took a mental & physical toll. During my recovery I went to physical therapy, speech therapy & occupational therapy for months. Therapy changed my life & after my recovery period I decided to go back to school to become a COTA; it all came full circle. I worked as a COTA for 5.5 years in a hospital setting (inpatient rehab & acute care). I worked with patients with a wide range of diagnoses including, but not limited to, stroke, traumatic brain injury, heart disease, spinal cord injury, COPD, neurological disorders, etc. Over my time working at the hospital, I realized even more how it is ALL connected. The food you choose to put into your body, the amount of activity you choose to participate in, your relationships, your mindset, your stress management…ALL of it…It matters. It wasn’t until I had my own health issues that I really started to take a deep dive into my own body, mind & spirit. It’s all connected. 

My health journey took a turn…

In 2018, it came to a point where I hadn’t had a period for nearly five years, my hair was thinning, I woke up tired every single day, I couldn’t sleep through the night, my cravings were off the charts, my relationship with food was not good, and I knew something had to give. My doctor at the time said that was all “normal” & the only advice I received was to “try to reduce my stress levels & it should get better”, so I decided to take my health into my own hands. I started doing research and realized that a woman’s cycle is said to be “the fifth vital sign”. I realized I needed help, I felt lost & hopeless. I decided that western medicine wasn’t cutting it; so I read many books and sought out a functional medicine doctor to get to the root cause of what was happening in my body. After years of work & peeling back all of the layers, I finally found what works for me. I finally feel healthy from the inside out; I decided that I wanted to help other women to feel their best too. I became a Certified Health Coach and decided I wanted to start a business that focuses on educating women about their bodies, how to make lasting changes, through food, movement, mindset & connection in order to feel empowered to make this new way of living into your lifestyle. While what I went through was difficult, I am so grateful that it all happened the way it did, because now I can dedicate my life to helping other women. Thanks for reading this and I look forward to our time together.